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 Will Shand was born sometime in the last century and has pottered around doing a number of jobs since that happy event. Most of these have been in some way connected with education. Having written such classics as 'A Pay Structure for Teaching Assistants' and 'Attendance Policy Update' he decided to try and write something more fun and so wrote, 'Not Quite Beowulf' a novel that set out to explore some of the political and ethical philosophy underlying the old tale, but really was just a bit of an excuse for a rather twisted adventure story.
He enjoyed this so much that he immediately started a sequel that promises to be every bit as foolish as the first book.
When not writing or working (surely writing isn’t working?) he likes to run, read and watch films.
He is lucky enough to have a terrific family and live in Worthing, which as all men know is the true earthly paradise. 

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